is this a revolution of life or it's just an illusion because it's like a dream come true....
i am enjoying every steps and every breath i take..
Friday, April 24, 2009
yeah..its weird when everybody is sitting outside of their houses be it babies,old lady,young man..everybody!
ow!!no electricity...haish!!i'm to get in?no torch lights and candles...(takot2!)
called ayah to tell him...he said call BB or syahirah...huaa...(i'm tired and i jez need my bed so i can sleep...)
i tried to call BB many times but he didn't answer his pone..."where are u b?"
called syhirah and she said she couldnt save me...
huaa...what else can i do??luckily i have my new twilight series with me the 'breaking dawn' which syafik bought the day before (i'll pay u back when i haf d money!bkn xde duwet okay...dia yg insist guna duit dia..lalala~) since BB didn't answer his phone, i called ayah again and ayah asked me to wait for him and we had dinner at pappa rich near puteri..
when we reached home,still no electricity but i bought 2 torchlights for me and ayah..
waited until we fall asleep...coulnt stand the heat (kononlah!) + sleepy eyes..
so arund 2.30 am baru ade....
Thursday, April 23, 2009
ALDO lagiy!
haish...y laa????
ok so i went back home and called ayah and he wanted to have dinner with us (read:syafik,syahirah & me) but syahirah couldn't come,lotsa assignments she said...and off we go to italiannies,sunway Pyramid. We had caesar salad,shrimp aglio olio, adn pizza (forgot the name!hehe..)
Too much for three person..we packed home the pizza and finished it this morning for breakfast..
yummy!(but expensive?) ;)
Today,went out a while to send Syafik to Puduraya and off to Times Square with ayah...yes,straight to Aldo..huhu~
When i walked in,the guy promoter was smiling awkwardly because he saw me holding Aldo's plastic bag (so not saving the earth!!) and asked "yea?(not yes!) why?" <---very 'kurang ajar'
im a customer okayh?
so i said...i bought this shoe last sunday and when i brought this shoe home i realized that the lining used is pig skin and he replied but you cannot change and we cannot refund your money...
(hey can you jez check with your upper boss/line first before u can answer me like that???) i explained,i understand but what can u do if i cannot use this a muslim it is haram to use this kind of shoe...
than this 'malay' girl came out..'ye laa kak..kite xde jual kulit babi..saye pasti ni bukan kulit babi'.
i asked her how do u know?can u tell me?
she replied this skin is jez a pattern.. '
i asked her back do u know how it look like?
she said no..
she said NO ya'll!!!
bodow kn?
i turned to ayah..ayah asked them what they can do?they said they can do nothing..hmm!ayah marah laa..i want to talk to your boss!call them now! (hambik kau!aku ckp elok2 ko kna kn aku!)
simple...when ayah talked to their boss,Doris..she said if u think there's no assuarance..u can change..!
easy innit?
what they can do best is asked their upper boss how to handle this case...
hey i used to work in customer service line...practice "customer is always right" sure u x rugi pape (kna mrh ngn customer+boss). jez try to put urself in their shoes...
ow!ayah bought a shoe for him too..and he add about 50% more for my new heels/shoe... ;p
ayah send me back to the office and i bought kuih keria and lunch,chicken+sayo+a very lil nasik! x diet...
mlm ni nk mkn burger ramly boleh? :)
saye rindu dia..dia ade
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
$$$ kaching!! $$$
(duit raye last year &last 2 years+angpow+hadiah mase engage+company bagi+simpan2 sendiri+etc)
waa..bangga ok!! :p
so...Officially saye ade account dkt Bank Islam!!!
da tuh cabar kite lagi..(malas nk type ape dia ckp..sbb saket ati!)
xpe..ble free nnt pasti Aldo tu akan diserbu...(dgn experts skali?)
smalam malam..cooked tuna spaghetti...shedap!
pastu jumpe BB kejap..discuss sket2 pasal wedding and tunjuk BB leaflet bridal tu..BB ckp "kalau kamu rase kamu ske yg ikut je syg.." huhu~
BB runsing pasal blanje kawen...alaa..shian la kamu nih!no biggies la n dont worry,less is after marriage yg penting la
BB pun tgk kasut tu..and BB ckp mmg kulit 'itu'..(kesian saye)
Ayah pun blk lmbt mlm ble ayah blk tunjuk ayah kasut tuh..mula2 ayah tak nampak..pastu ble tgk bwh lampu terang,obviously kulit 'itu'. (kesian lagi kt sy!)
xpelah..its a lesson kn?ade org lagi teruk..da bertahun2 pakai br prasan!Tuhan sayang saye..
Slalu my friend yg sorg tuh cakap...'Ko ni slalu bertuah je kn?untungnye jadi kau!'
well..syukur lah bile ade org prasan yg sy ni slalu bertuah..(and i admit it) tp ble da terbeli kasut tuh cm tak bertuah je ble Tuhan tunjukkan cepat2 before sy start pakai..yea,sy mmg bertuah!(Alhamdulillah...) =)
*tah ape motif entry ni tah?*
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
BABI itu Haram lah!
*sygilah bumi anda!!!*
so before dat ayah blanje studio ghibli punya collection...tgk ke?ye sy tgk cartoon... :)
tak sabar nk tgk..takde mase!
After shopping and all,we had a quick lunch at delifrance..
Balik rumah and get ready nak blk KL pule...ow!ayah gave me rm500 to buy a hard disk for me. So i bought a Western Digital,500gb hard disk kaler merah!suke.. =) *passport merah ku yg satu lagi!*
Lepas da bli hard disk kt Low Yatt tuh..terus je pergi Times Square and cari Aldo..dgn harapan nk bli kasut baru da pilih2..i like this one shoe sebab sgt9 selesa and lembut gler!seriyes!!BB even said "tuka lain lah...cantik tp cuba tgk2 yg lain?" (dia ade rase lain da...) tp degil kn?da kate kasut tu lembut and best saye pun bayarlah..the cashier/promoter da tanye many times.."no exchangeble and refundable" so sbb annoyed dia ckp byk kali so i replied "yes,understood!"
So baliklah kami dan pergi dinner kt kampung Baru dgn syahirah ngn fattah jugak...da mkn2 sume n trus balik Puchong..seblom tdo smpt agi belek2 kasut tu..da kate best and nk pakai g keje esk kn?TAPI......ble tgk dkt2...nampak pulak 3 bintik dlm kasut tuh!!!terus geli n campak jauh2 okayh??
Rupe2nye..itu adalah kulit cik BABI!ye...BABI yg haram tonyok tuh yg takde leher tuh yang konon2 kaler pink comel tapi sbenanye pink kotor HARAM BABI!!!!
hah!!saket ati okayh?KENAPE?
SEBAB....kat kedai tuh takde pun sign yg ckp ni kulit babi ke ape...TAK ADE langsung!HELLO!!!ni kat Malaysia...yg kna jage sensitivity org Islam lah!boleh report kan??
Tapi,sampai hari ni tak call or prgi kedai tu lagi...haish!!!tapi da call yg hal ehwal pegguna tu and diaorang suro check ngn JAKIM dulu..
hmm..siaplah wahai kedai ALDO!!!
benci...geli tau tak ngn kaki sendiri?rase da haram dah!eeeww!!!
*tak ingin nk ambik gambar kasut kulit babi tuh and rase mcm bwk babi jln2 je sbb ade kt dlm kreta!*
Saturday, April 18, 2009
March=Haffiz(2nd cousin)
June=Abg Boy
December=Abg Nizam(Mr Fiance's cousin)
Next yer?
March=Lia & Dila(Mr Fiance's cousin)
May=Nina&Nuar! (It's US!)
June=Aida(best fren's)
er..penat tak?sbenanye...tediam gak ble tanye mereka yg nk kawen next year nih!and the list akan tmbh2 lagi(saye tau ade lg yg nk kawen lg next yer!)
i went to 2 bridals today and the one that i've been so nak-sangat-pergi turns out x best!and the other bridal which everyone said "mahal" turns out great!i love the warm greetings from the owner and she answered every questions in my head.. =)
er..rugi ke x salin2 baju yang mcm 5 helai tuh?(membazir and penat lah!)
and the aunty said i am wayyyy too early since i am getting married may NEXT YEAR! hehe...but i said..i am here untuk survey2 aje.. =)
*rase mcm suke lah bridal tuh!* harus discuss lebeh niy!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wedding : #2
I hardly can talk or discuss to Mr.Fiance about wedding stuff and all BECAUSE he said, 'just do what u wanna do and i'll agree with ur ideas and all...' could u,WE'RE getting married and i'm not marriying to myself!
YOU + ME = kawen! (geddit BB??)
(seriously we need to discuss!!)
Ok,it seems like 1 year is not enuff for me to plan my own wedding which involves 4 days occasions (nikah,reception1,reception2 & reception 3), budgets, theme, date, venue and others.
Here's what i found, a checklist,1 year planning checklist!
12 bulan hingga 6 bulan sebelum
Pilih tarikh dan waktu bernikah : May 2010 (date not selected yet)
Pilih lokasi dan waktu jamuan serta membuat tempahan : nikah will be at my house (hopefully) after zuhur,reception at my house and his (usual time) + hall itu (a week after; saturday,19:30)
Memesan lokasi dan waktu upacara persandingan berlangsung : mama called the hall organizer and we will go to the site by next week,maybe..
Menentukan gaya serta tema majlis persandingan : ini x tau lagi....
Mengatur bajet : still x buat lagi
Pilih penyelaras majlis perkahwinan yang terbaik bagi menata majlis anda : huh?xtau n x buat lagi..
Pilih juru andam : still surveying
Pilih katering : parents job
Pilih jurufoto dan juru video : still surveying
Pilih kedai bunga serta penghias lokasi majlis : not yet!
Pilih cincin pernikahan : still surveying
Pilih muzik : ayah's job and i do not want that rock kapak songs at my wedding!puh-leeeesss!only romactic songs!(haha..)so, ayah...i can count on u!
Pilih kek pengantin : not yet
Pilih kad jemputan : thot of design it myself..hmm..
Menghadiri kursus perkahwinan : BB said,early 2010,dunno where..still surveying!
Tips : Tempoh sebegini membolehkan anda membuat lebih byk survey untuk memilih apa yang memenuhi citarasa dan yg paling penting budget anda. Pilihlah tawaran yang terbaik dengan harga yg berpatutan
ow!i add this to my checklist : think of the hantaran and survey for the things to buy me?
ow actually,what do i do first,jumpe taylor baru bli kain or bli kain baru jumpe taylor?
pls go away....
flu since sunday and fever on and off...
haish...pls go away,i seriously don't need it now,and forever...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wedding : #1
I've been planning to have my wedding after raya, which is during october or so..but when ayah said he want it to be may next year,i suddenly became unprepared....phuh!help me!!
~yeah,i kno...1 year from now,but for me yang x kerja lagi ni rasa cukup ke masa nk ade duit banyak2 nih?~
I don't know what to start first,which is which shold be the first thing to prepare and what to prepare,the planning and everything and rasa macam susah je nk plan wedding,especially this is the first wedding in my family...
i need guides untuk prepare niy smua..but how?isk...~sigh~
What i am planning to do :
- find and buy wedding outfit for all three receptions as i already have my nikah outfit + find also my fiance's reception outfit?(dunno!)
- find and buy all the aunts and uncles kain untuk buat baju (ayah's idea)
- barang2 hantaran both me and fiance
- wedding favors x decide (thot of baking sendiri..(syahirah la tuh!)
- wedding card ( i'll design for both me and fiance's W.card---nk save cost kononnye!)
- guest list (da buat and kna tambah lagi!)
- cari bridal make-up terbaik kt mlk (tamo amek yg ms engage..)
- cari photographer...(hmmph!)
~sigh~ xpe..pasnih discuss btul2 ngn ayah ,mama and mak!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
jom kawen?
yea..i kno,lame lagi..tapi bialaa..we're not ready..mental,physically,FINANCIAL,and other little things..siape tanak kawen cepat2 kalau da ade dia dpn mate+parents yang da bagi restu and everything...tapi,pls understand that we're not ready...tq! =)
So,we have the date(s) but tamo reveal dulu lah..later aje!and the parents also blom lagi discuss and agree with the date we choose...hehe..suke2 je pilih date!but its our day,so haf to lah kan?
What we both know is,the nikah will be on friday,mak already bought the kain for me but the color x match with BB's baju(kna cari baru..) and all my wedding dress nak hantar jahit kat Alice,(tpt maksu jahit wedding dress dolu).I really want to go to JKT&BDO utk cari2 baju and all (ayah nk bli kain byk2!!)
-JKT&BDO end of dis year
-cari or survey2 brg hantaran (bole bli di london?wah!!)
-list out sume name guest so boleh agak2!
-hantar baju jahit
-bli brg2 hantaran little by little
-early 2010,confirm hall kt (put*****a)
-mak andam kt maybank atas tuh,kna tanye..
-kursus kawen
-bli jewelriess for me n cincin for him
-confirm ape nak bg guest kt mlk & p*******a)
-khemah da tau amek kt sape (same mcm mase tunang arituh!)
-wedding theme
-and tahape2 yang da list tp x igt..
waa!!berterabo sumenye..
BB,jom kawen?
I have to wait for the result,yes she did something on me and send the blood sample to lab and i am risau-risau waiting for her or maybe her assistant to call...(takot!)
hmm...penantian yang sangat lama!!..~sigh(again!)~
Okay,Mama is here since monday till this coming friday...and on friday,cousin kawen lagi..(ramainye kazen kawen dis yer!!!)haish..
Its been a week since BB went to far,his team;Malaysia da menang 2 games... =)
oklaa..tatau nk crite ape..
Friday, April 3, 2009
further studies?masters??
ni laa necklace tu..
Ow..saye da biase da org salah anggap saye ni chinese ke chindian ke chinese mix malay ke....
Hari ni,ade org igt saye ni jepun!This malay guy kacau2 n tegur..arigato whatever laa..(trime kasih??)pastu sengih2 kambing kt kite plk kn?
eyh..kalau dia tau saye ni melayu,mesti malu gler kn?hahaha :D
haish...multi racial ke muke saye ni??hmm..
promote muke senirik!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
i'm so into edward cullen...
Ok,i've been reading twilight since i was in Kedah and couldn't stop reading stephanie meyer's babies.So i bought new moon and eclipse.finished reading new moon and now focusing on eclipse.But....i couldn't find breaking dawn in KL and Mlk as well...(limited place laa...cari pun dkt sunway aje..)
Ow!i bought the movie edition and have been watching the movie over and over again because of edward cullen's character,not because of robert pattinson's

i miss edward now...gler ke hape?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
sugar is away...
He's safe in Ipoh now and attending meeting right now..
Ok,jez be safe there..
Hmm..i've been
Ok,so yesterday my boss called me to his office and i thought it was about work (i'm working on video tutorials that i don't really understand..huhu~learning tyme!hard tyme i gess.. =p).
He asked me if i know that this company doesn't give allowance to intern and i answered yes i know.So he continued....he said "after discussing with my directors,we want to give you some money as a rewards.You've been working on this website thing bla,bla,bla....)".I was surprised and i didn't accept the money at first but he said "jez anggap this as angpow, a reward or something like that.." I took the money!
yay!!Alhamdulillah...i thanked him..
So saye ade duit extra this month!!!! =)
And last nite BB took me out for dinner..sblm BB pegi Ipoh..(Ipoh je,x smpi sebulan pun!emosi lebey!!) again,we went to Williams on BB's request.I was thinking of Ayam Penyet or Sari Ratu but soccay time aje..
We had our usual meal..2 big plates for 2 person??hmm..we managed to finish the pasta and pack the seafood fried rice home..huhuh~tamak agi!!!pastu BB makan laju sgt..
April Fool?
The origin of April Fools' Day is obscure. One likely theory is that the modern holiday was first celebrated soon after the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar; the term referred to someone still adhering to the Julian Calendar which it replaced.In many pre-Christian cultures May Day (May 1) was celebrated as the first day of summer, and signalled the start of the spring planting season. An April Fool was someone who did this prematurely. Another origin is that April 1 was counted the first day of the year in France. When King Charles IX changed that to January 1, some people stayed with April 1. Those who did were called "April Fools" and were taunted by their neighbors.In the eighteenth century the festival was often posited as going back to the times of Noah. An English newspaper article published on April 13th, 1789 said that the day had its origins when he sent the raven off too early, before the waters had receded. He did this on the first day of the Hebrew month that corresponds with April.A possible reference to April Fools' Day can be seen in the Canterbury Tales (ca 1400) in the Nun's Priest's tale, a tale of two fools: Chanticleer and the fox, which took place on March 32nd.
The Pranks:
- Left Handed Whoppers: In 1998, Burger King ran an ad in USA Today, saying that people could get a Whopper for left-handed people whose condiments were designed to drip out of the right side.Not only did customers order the new burgers, but some specifically requested the "old", right-handed burger.
- Phone call: In 1998, UK presenter Nic Tuff of West Midlands radio station Kix 96 pretended to be the British Prime Minister Tony Blair when he called the then South African President Nelson Mandela for a chat. It was only at the end of the call when Nic asked Nelson what he was doing for April Fools' Day that the line went dead.
- Spaghetti trees: The BBC television programme Panorama ran a famous hoax in 1957, showing the Swiss harvesting spaghetti from trees. They had claimed that the despised pest, the spaghetti weevil, had been eradicated. A large number of people contacted the BBC wanting to know how to cultivate their own spaghetti trees. It was, in fact, filmed in St Albans.
- Water on Mars: In 2005 a news story was posted on the official NASA website purporting to have pictures of water on Mars. The picture actually was just a picture of a glass of water on a Mars Candy Bar.
But there are real news n April Fool's Day too that somebody might not believe what's happening around them...
- The April 1, 1946 Aleutian Island earthquake tsunami that killed 165 people in Hawaii and Alaska resulted in the creation of a tsunami warning system (specifically the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre), established in 1949 for Pacific Ocean countries. The tsunami in question is known in Hawaii as the "April Fools' Day Tsunami" due to people drowning because of the assumptions that the warnings were an April Fools' prank.(well i think this is stupid!!)
- The game Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was announced only a couple days before April Fools' Day. Forums were flooded because so many thought that the two rivals since the 90's, Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog, appearing together in a video game as an official 2008 Olympics game was a joke.
Well i think whatever it is ,there are things we should take it seriously...